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Object Generators

Generators are how the library turns JSON back into Strongly Typed Objects without requiring any external dependencies.

This is done for you automatically and is a lot faster.

Some endpoints also return the Raw Response and all Generators are available for use in that case.

string websocketData = "" +
"{" +
"\"id\":\"4\"," +
"\"status\":200," +
"\"result\":" +
"[[1712372100000,\"702.60000000\",\"702.80000000\",\"697.60000000\",\"699.60000000\",\"1634.78800000\",1712372399999,\"1144306.51160000\",2221,\"499.69000000\",\"349791.43160000\",\"0\"]," +
"[1712372400000,\"699.60000000\",\"701.60000000\",\"696.80000000\",\"700.90000000\",\"2092.67500000\",1712372699999,\"1463135.03660000\",2371,\"1033.37300000\",\"722800.30360000\",\"0\"]]" +

List<BinanceKline>? websocketTest = BinanceKlineGenerator.CreateEnumerableArrayResult(websocketData);

Generators can be found by adding the word Generator to the end of a Type

Raw Responses should be saved to file without modifications so they can be Generated later

ObjectGenerator.NET is available for use in projects that don't include this library, You can get it Here

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