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Example Demonstration

Automates modifying the last open order or creating a new open order with a specified PnL

This should be copy pasted into a new Console Project in Visual Studio

// Please make sure you understand before you run this example.
// This example is solely intended to demonstrate how to use various aspects of the library.
// I am not responsible for your usage of this functional example.

// Command Line Arguments
// MODE - create new/add last, eg. true
// SYMBOL - symbol name, eg. 1000SATSUSDT
// ASSET - symbol asset, eg. 1000SATS
// QUOTE - quote quantity, eg. 1 USDT
// PERCENT - pnl percent, eg. 0.4%

// eg.
// SimpleExample.exe true 1000SATSUSDT 1000SATS 1 0.4 // Create new with PnL Percent
// SimpleExample.exe false 1000SATSUSDT 1000SATS 1 // Add to Last Open Order

using BinanceAPI;
using BinanceAPI.Authentication;
using BinanceAPI.Enums;
using BinanceAPI.Hosts;
using BinanceAPI.MarketData;
using BinanceAPI.Rest;
using BinanceAPI.SharedObjects;
using BinanceAPI.SpotData;
using BinanceAPI.UserData;
using BinanceAPI.UserStream;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;

namespace FullRestExample
internal class Program
private const int RECV_WINDOW = 2000;

private static decimal QuoteQunatity = 1; // eg. 1 USDT

private static decimal PnlPercent = 0.4m; // eg. 0.4%

private static string Symbol = "symbol"; // eg. 1000SATSUSDT

private static string Asset = "asset"; // eg. 1000SATS

private static RestClient RestClient = null!;

private static SocketClient SocketClient = null!;

private static UserDataUpdate UserDataUpdate = null!;

private static AuthenticationProvider AuthenticationProvider = null!;

private static CachableSpotRequest AdjustMarketOrder = null!;

private static CachableSpotRequestPartial CachableSpotRequestPartial = null!;

private static BinanceSymbol? BinanceSymbol = null!;

private static decimal QuantityStepSize;

private static byte QuantityStepSizeScale;

private static int PriceTickScale;

private static bool createNewMode = false;

private static volatile int singleEntry = 0;

public static decimal AvailableN = decimal.Zero;

private static readonly Action<BinanceStreamPositionsUpdate?> PositionUpdateAction = (message) =>
if (message != null)
foreach (var position in message.Balances)
if (position.Asset == Asset)
AvailableN = position.Free.Scale(QuantityStepSizeScale);


private static void Main(string[] args)

if (CheckArgumentsValid(args))
AdjustMarketOrder = CacheClientSpot.CreateOrderMarketQuote(Symbol, OrderSide.Buy, QuoteQunatity, RECV_WINDOW);

CachableSpotRequestPartial = CacheClientSpot.CreateOrderLimitPartial(Symbol, OrderSide.Sell, OrderType.Limit, RECV_WINDOW, TimeInForce.GoodTillCancel, OrderResponseType.ACK);

AuthenticationProvider = new("YOUR HMAC API KEY", "YOUR HMAC API SECRET KEY");

RestClient = new RestClient(AuthenticationProvider, RestClientOptions);

SocketClient = new SocketClient();

BinanceSymbol = RestClient.Spot.System.GetExchangeInfo(Symbol).Data?.Symbols.FirstOrDefault();

UserDataUpdate = new UserDataUpdate(SocketClient, RestClient, PositionUpdateAction);

if (BinanceSymbol != null)
QuantityStepSize = BinanceSymbol.LotSizeFilter?.StepSize ?? decimal.Zero;

QuantityStepSizeScale = new DecimalHelper(QuantityStepSize.Normalize()).Scale;

PriceTickScale = new DecimalHelper(BinanceSymbol.PriceFilter?.TickSize.Normalize() ?? 1).Scale;

Console.WriteLine("Server Time Ticks: " + ServerTimeClient.ServerTimeTicks);

if (ServerTimeClient.ServerTimeTicks > 0)
Console.WriteLine("--------CLOSE APPLICATION TO STOP--------");

Console.WriteLine("--------NETWORK ERROR--------");
Console.WriteLine("Exchange Information Not Found for: " + Symbol);


private static void WaitForInputLoop()
if (createNewMode)
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to:\n1. Buy [" + QuoteQunatity + " USDT] of [" + Symbol + "]\n2. Create a new order with pnl of [" + PnlPercent + "%]");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to:\n1. Buy [" + QuoteQunatity + " USDT] of [" + Symbol + "]\n2. Add the quantity to the last open order");

while (true)

if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref singleEntry, 1) == 0)
if (!createNewMode)
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem((_) =>
RestResult<List<BinanceOrderSpot>> openOrders = RestClient.Spot.Order.GetOpenOrders(Symbol);

if (openOrders.Data != null)
int openOrderCount = openOrders.Data.Count() - 1;

if (openOrderCount >= 0)
BinanceOrderSpot lastOrder = openOrders.Data.ElementAtOrDefault(openOrderCount);

if (lastOrder != null)
if (AdjustOrder(ref lastOrder))

Interlocked.Exchange(ref singleEntry, 0);



Interlocked.Exchange(ref singleEntry, 0);
}, null);
ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem((_) =>
if (AddOrder())

Interlocked.Exchange(ref singleEntry, 0);
}, null);
Console.WriteLine("Still waiting for last request");

private static bool AddOrder()
RestResult<BinancePlacedOrderSpot> addOrder = RestClient.Spot.Order.PlaceOrderSpot(ref AdjustMarketOrder);

if (addOrder.Data != null)

if (AvailableN >= QuantityStepSize)
string completedRequest = CachableSpotRequestPartial.Complete((addOrder.Data.Price + (addOrder.Data.Price / 100 * PnlPercent)).Scale(PriceTickScale), AvailableN);

RestResult<BinancePlacedOrderSpot> newOrder = RestClient.Spot.Order.PlaceOrderSpot(ref completedRequest);

if (newOrder.Data != null)
AvailableN = decimal.Zero;

return true;
Error(newOrder.Error, "New Order");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Available Amount");
Error(addOrder.Error, "Adjust Order");

AvailableN = decimal.Zero;

return false;

private static bool AdjustOrder(ref BinanceOrderSpot bos)
RestResult<BinancePlacedOrderSpot> adjustOrder = RestClient.Spot.Order.PlaceOrderSpot(ref AdjustMarketOrder);

if (adjustOrder.Data != null)
RestResult<BinanceCancelledId> cancelled = RestClient.Spot.Order.CancelOrder(Symbol, bos.OrderId);

if (cancelled.Data != null)

if (AvailableN >= QuantityStepSize)
decimal pricePercent = bos.Price / 100 * PnlPercent;

decimal lastPriceNegative = bos.Price - pricePercent;

string req = CachableSpotRequestPartial.Complete((adjustOrder.Data.Price <= lastPriceNegative ? bos.Price : bos.Price + pricePercent).Scale(PriceTickScale), AvailableN);

RestResult<BinancePlacedOrderSpot> newOrder = RestClient.Spot.Order.PlaceOrderSpot(ref req);

if (newOrder.Data != null)
AvailableN = decimal.Zero;

return true;
Error(newOrder.Error, "New Order");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Available Amount");
Error(cancelled.Error, "Cancelled");
Error(adjustOrder.Error, "Adjust Order");

AvailableN = decimal.Zero;

return false;

private static void Error(RestError? error, string location)
if (error != null)
if (error.Exception != null)
Console.WriteLine("Exception " + location + " | " + error.Exception.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Error " + location + " | " + error.ErrorMessage);

private static bool CheckArgumentsValid(string[] args)
bool success = false;

if (args.Length > 0)
if (args[0] == "true")
if (args.Length == 5)
createNewMode = true;

Symbol = args[1];

Asset = args[2];

QuoteQunatity = decimal.Parse(args[3]);

PnlPercent = decimal.Parse(args[4]);

success = true;
success = false;
else if (args[0] == "false")
if (args.Length == 4)
Symbol = args[1];

Asset = args[2];

QuoteQunatity = decimal.Parse(args[3]);

success = true;
success = false;

if (!success)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Argument, Fix and Restart\n\nValid Examples:\n\nAdd to Last Open Order\nSimpleExample.exe false 1000SATSUSDT 1000SATS 1\n\nCreate new with PnL Percent\nSimpleExample.exe true 1000SATSUSDT 1000SATS 1 0.4");

return success;

// ---------------------------------

private static void SetupConsole()
Console.CursorVisible = false;
Console.WindowWidth = (int)(Console.LargestWindowWidth / 2.5);
Console.WindowHeight = (int)(Console.LargestWindowHeight / 2.5);

private static void WaitCleanupConsole()

Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up.. Please wait..");


Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");


private static readonly RestClientOptions RestClientOptions = new()
SyncUpdateTime = 5,
GetCacheSize = 2048,
PutCacheSize = 2048,
PostCacheSize = 2048,
DeleteCacheSize = 2048,
ReceiveWindow = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(RECV_WINDOW),
DefaultApiController = BinanceApiController.DEFAULT

public class UserDataUpdate
public volatile int Waiting = 0;

private readonly SocketClientHost SocketClientHost = null!;

public UserDataUpdate(SocketClient socketClient, RestClient restCLient, Action<BinanceStreamPositionsUpdate?> onPositionUpdate)
RestResult<BinanceListenKey> listenKey = restCLient.Spot.UserStream.StartUserStream();

if (listenKey.Data != null)
SocketClientHost = socketClient.UserDataStreams.Updates(listenKey.Data.ListenKey, null, (positionUpdate) => { onPositionUpdate(positionUpdate); });

public void Signal()
Interlocked.Exchange(ref Waiting, 0);

public void WaitForUpdate()
Interlocked.Exchange(ref Waiting, 1);

while (Waiting == 1)

public void Dispose()

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