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Cachable Requests

Caching allows you to prepare requests Ahead of Time based on changes on the UI or other factors

You can use these objects as they are in some scenarios or you can use them to make a fully functional Cache

// This is a common scenario where a `Cached Request` is updated based on a `Setter` for a `Control`

CachableSpotRequestPartialMarket CachableMarketOrderPartial = CacheClientSpot.CreateOrderMarketPartial("Symbol", OrderSide.Buy, 1000); // init

private string CompletedRequest = string.Empty;

public decimal QuoteQuantity
get => quoteQuantity;
quoteQuantity = value;

CompletedRequest = CachableMarketOrderPartial.Complete(value, true); // complete/update


// Later on Click etc
restClient.Spot.Order.PlaceOrderSpot(ref CompletedRequest);

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